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Saturday, June 8, 2024

From Heroes to Just About Anything Else!

It's been a while, I know, and with my return, I have great news to share with you! I have been Heroes of the Storm free for close to a month! Yes, HotS... That dastardly delicious game that is so easy to get into and so hard to let go. To its defense, know that HotS is one of the best games I have ever played, but I have other games to play too you know, and I am not going to live forever - a fact that a lot of people just don't understand apparently since they are preoccupied with how others live their lives instead of focusing on their own. How did I manage this? Well, I am just sick and tired of getting matched against premade groups as a solo player. It's match after match after match after match in every mode. After dealing with this issue for a long, long time, I was just... Done. I sure hope that other solo players will follow suit so that the premades can finally get a taste of their own medicine. They only love the game when they are matched against solos, so when they have to actually work hard to win a game, it's over for them. Perhaps 5 years from now, us solo players can come back to the game to find that the premades have moved on to better things in their lives outside of circle-jerking each other raw day in and day out (even at the wee hours of the morning). But I really doubt that.

HotS is not listed in the last 7 stream categories on my twitch channel? What?!

Now that I am free from the clutches of HotS, it feels nice to just browse my Game Library and look for other games to play. I am currently hooked on Fallout 4. No, it's not because of the live action series that got released recently, it's because of the "next gen update" that Bethesda pushed out for the game recently. I guess they named this patch after the upcoming PlayStation 6 and X-Box Infinite because the PS5 and Series X are current-gen. Yeah, it's confusing, but this patch was mostly to enhance the console versions, yet it reinvigorated my interest in the game. As for the live action series, I don't plan on watching it. I was told on stream that I should give it a chance but no thanks, I'll just stick to video games. These shows are made to satisfy a larger audience of viewers so I know that they will never capture the same experience someone like me has playing the games they are based on. And oh! I recently started a fresh playthrough of Tyranny - one of my favorite role playing games that I have been looking forward to finishing - as well! Gaming feels fresh again for me. Maybe it was my recent dance with COVID, or perhaps it's the serenity of living near a huge lake, but whatever it is, I feel good about my life, and I feel more satisfied than ever in regards to my relationship with video games.

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