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LIVE from the Game Room

Friday, February 17, 2023

Name That Game: A Saturation Point

I'm getting old. This, I understand. It's inevitable, I suppose. Lately, I have been having a hard time remembering names of games that I was attempting to reference during my livestreams. Heck, sometimes, I even have a hard time remembering the names of the characters in Heroes of the Storm mid-match! Is this all caused by our new dependency on machines to tell us what we need to know at any given time? Or is my brain just reaching that point that I cannot expect to remember things anymore. It's probably a combination of both seemingly. I say this because I can recall vividly, for example, details about the games that I have in mind but for some reason, I would have a hard time pinpointing the actual title. Last week, while streaming Hogwarts Legacy, I was trying to recall the name of that game involving android rebellion. I could see the important scenes in my mind. Specifically, when the androids gathered together and marched on the city streets demanding their independence. I was also able to remember the dramatic prologue involving a negotiator android who was trying to save a little girl being held captive by a deviant servant android. Yes, the memories from me playing the game were clear as day but for the life of me, I just couldn't extract the name of the game.

Of course the game I was thinking about was Detroit: Become Human.

I'm getting old, sure but I don't feel like I'm losing the edge when it comes to my gaming skills. However, I have undergone a number of traumatic things these past few years that reinforced my fundamental views on life and that perhaps have altered the way my mind prioritizes information in everything that I do in life. Also, I have yet to fully recover the ability to be whole with my gaming items again, as I have been in some sort of spatial limbo. Do you know that all of my physical Personal Computer games are still boxed up somewhere in storage and I am missing a number of key games that I am sure are still silently sleeping in some forgotten box from two houses ago? What I am getting at here is that perhaps my mind is subconsciously trying to distance itself from where I was mentally before during the Game Room 2.0 era.

You want to know something that will never fade for me? My love of gaming.

Yes, I'm indeed getting old and it can be challenging for me to be recall game titles in record time, but thankfully, my love for this hobby has yet to wane. I cannot imagine a life without video games. I have never had any doubts nor apprehensions in regard to my dedication to gaming. As long as I am able to, you will always find me here writing about games or uploading my gameplay on some video platform somewhere. Creating more gaming memories doesn't seem to come with any kind of restrictions so I am more than happy to oblige. Is it really that important to be able to name a game on the fly? Well, no because I have my Google Excel sheet for that. What is more important here is for me to be able to think about the game and cherish the good times I had with it. It is important for me to be able to name that enemy champion who is on a killing spree in a game of Heroes of the Storm? Well, all I have to do is hit the tab key for that information. What is more important in this one is that I remember that champion's abilities and strategies. So yes, don't bury me in the dead gamer cemetery just yet. I think I am still doing okay.

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