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LIVE from the Game Room

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Forge Your Fate, Steam-Style!

I absolutely love the deep discounts I've gotten from the recent Epic Games Store Mega Sale - I ended up with a total of 18 new games from that event - but when it comes to thematic creativity of promotional gaming events, Valve just can't be beat. Today is the beginning of the glorious 14-day gamer spending splurge known as the Steam Summer Sale and boy my cart is already fat full of games. This year, while spending hundreds (perhaps thousands) of dollars on your new acquisitions, Valve also wants you to Forge Your Fate, a choose your own adventure activity that can be found on the main store page!

I have gone through all of the 14 included scenarios, I am surprised that they didn't limit this to one a day, and apparently, Steam considered me to be:

So what kind of hero did you end up being? What I love the most about this activity is that it came chock-full of new animated stickers and at the end, you also get an avatar frame based on your hero type. Well done Valve! I had a lot of fun. I actually completed the whole event before I even purchased anything because it was so quite engaging with its nonsensical, sometimes hilarious dilemmas. Now, it's time for Steam to drain me dry!

Rockin' that Paranormal Professor insignia.

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