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LIVE from the Game Room

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Swap Force Collection Completed

I was able to add Lightcore Flashwing into my Skylanders: Swap Force roster on Monday and she was last the last Skylander I needed to complete my figurine collection for that particular game. Bear in mind that I needed get both variations of the same character available for the game - there are 5 of them who have Lightcore variation of themselves: I only needed one or the other. It's scary to think that I've committed a lot to this game and the same can be said about the other two Skylanders titles I own. I needed only one more for Trap Team and no, I will not get those stupid miniature variations available for that particular title, and I only needed 4 more character plus vehicle combos to complete my Superchargers set. Urgh, perhaps it's time to really think about quitting this series. 3 Skylanders games is more then enough I believe, no wonder how awesome the next one is going to be... But I've said this before, have I not?

Miss Flashy McFlash herself.

Well played Activision, well played!

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