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LIVE from the Game Room

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Worst Game Trailer: Dark Souls III

We all should know at this point that From Software can release an endless number of Dark Souls games in rapid succession even and they all will sell like hot cakes because a majority of gamers already bought the "difficulty" hype. But apparently, somewhere along the distribution line, there are still people involved in the process who feel that the target audience still needs to be reminded that the upcoming Dark Souls III will be an awesome experience by releasing a trailer that pretty much shows a large number of the game's boss fights and it may even include a footage of possibly the final boss. The first time I saw the trailer was while browsing channels on twitch.tv - an ad would load before you can watch the broadcast - and I was thinking to myself, wow, do they really think they couldn't sell this game with just a subtle, simple trailer like how they marketed the previous two games? I am not going to dignify that trailer by linking it here but what were they thinking? It's bad enough that Bandai Namco had distributed early access to a limited portion of the game to twitch.tv celebs, which I find to be overreaching and stupid: If you are a true Dark Souls fan, why would you even watch the broadcast and get the early part of the game spoiled for you? The marketing department clearly doesn't understand what Dark Souls is all about based on that reveal all bosses trailer and reveal too much gameplay broadcast campaign. Very strange indeed because this whole series is built upon mystique and player discovery. If I was From Software, perhaps it's time to end the relationship with Bandai Namco and go solo so that they can keep their dignity and protect their artwork from further desecration.

The marketing department is staffed with twitch trolls apparently
who want to say, "Ha ha ha we are taking away your initial surprise
from encountering these bosses in the game! Sucks to be you!"

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

1CC Run - Contemplating Death

Ever since that incident in July last year, things just haven't been the same to me. Just to recap, I thought that I lost my husband when he didn't show up at the airport when I went to pick him up only to learn later that he was hospitalized the night before. Though he did return to me eventually, it was hard to forget that deep dark pit that I experienced when I thought that it was over. It's sometimes hard to sleep at night as I lie down next to my husband because I understand the eventuality of death and I really don't want to experience that incredible pain I experienced before. I am an atheist. I don't believe that my husband and I would be together again in death and that thought has been haunting me day and night. It is easy to see why people rather believe in the afterlife because the alternative is truly something else. I am not going to claim that I know how the universe works but I do know that I can only remember this life and this life only. People have been living on this planet for a very long time and my consciousness is bound to this particular period of existence.

When you accept love into your heart, you tend to forget about accepting love lost with it.

I remember my husband telling me that when he fell and hit his head, he saw nothing, everything was dark until he finally woke up at the hospital. "There was nothing there," he claimed. And I can recall telling him "Of course there wasn't." I have shared with him my personal experience with death. I almost lost my life in an accident when I was young and I had an out of body experience where I saw the doctor trying to revive my body below me as I was floating upwards. It could have been just simply trauma but it felt very real. It's not something I share with a lot of people but I think it's important to mention it here because even after experiencing that, I have always been borderline agnostic before settling comfortably into being an atheist. For the longest time, my view on death had been rather simple: when you die, you just go back to that place before you gain consciousness - nothingness. I don't remember wanting to live nor feeling pain nor happiness nor sadness. It's just that one simply doesn't exist. Death is only difficult for those who know the person who died and not the person him/herself. After finding the love of my life and almost losing him, things are not that easy anymore. I hate the thought of losing someone so dear in my life forever and I also hate the thought of slipping in nothingness without being able to be reunited somewhere, somehow. Humans are selfish creatures and I am not immune to selfish thoughts. Perhaps the reality of things just hit me harder than I ever anticipated it to be and I am just bitter about the whole thing.

Together only in our physical forms for we don't exist beyond that.

I have spoken to my husband in regards to this yesterday. We have had discussions about death in the past and both of us have always been clear about our love and commitment to each other as well as what death means to us individually. During the recent conversation, he told me that he used to feel like he wasn't ready for death, that now he's ready to face it because he's happy where he's at. He did express the fear of losing me for he still has no knowledge of how that would actually feel. I on the other hand, feel like I am not ready to lose him because of what I have felt before and neither am I ready to lose myself. I know when I pass on, I wouldn't be able to care about these things but I need to look deeper into my life so that I can accept the reality of the situation. I have been dealing with other depressing thoughts and this of course is just adding to my unhappiness. Video games may be at the center of my life but unfortunately, this is a situation that they are unable to help me with.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Games Played 03/19/2016

Session A: Xenoblade Chronicles X (Wii U)

Session B: Xenoblade Chronicles X (Wii U)

Session C:
Heroes of the Storm (PC)
Raiden III Digital Edition (PC)
King of the Monsters (PC

Session D: Hatsune Miku - Project DIVA F 2nd (PlayStation 3)

Session E: Audiosurf 2 (PC)

Session F: Xenoblade Chronicles X (Wii U)

Handheld Session : Yoshi's New Island (3DS)

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Games Played 03/18/2016

Session B:
Heroes of the Storm (PC)
Downwell (PC)

Session C: Hatsune Miku - Project DIVA F 2nd (PlayStation 3)

Session D: Audiosurf 2 (PC)

Session E: Smite (PlayStation 4)

Session F: Xenoblade Chronicles X (Wii U)

Handheld Session: Yoshi's New Island (3DS)

Games Played 03/17/2016

Session A:
Final Fantasy XIII (PC)

Session B: Hatsune Miku - Project DIVA F 2nd (PlayStation 3)

Session C: Xenoblade Chronicles X (Wii U)

Session D: Xenoblade Chronicles X (Wii U)

Session E: Smite (PlayStation 4)

Handheld Session: Yoshi's New Island (3DS)

Games Played 03/16/2016

Session B: Final Fantasy XIII (PC)

Session C: Heroes of the Storm (PC)

Session D:
Heroes of the Storm (PC)
Super Galaxy Squadron EX (PC)

Games Played 03/15/2016

Session B: Heroes of the Storm (PC)

Session C: Final Fantasy XIII (PC)
Session D: Final Fantasy XIII (PC)

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The Current State of Video Game Reviews

Video game reviews... Do you read them? I used to long ago when they were short and sweet. When they started to change from merely expressing general opinions about a game and turned into detailed content analysis, I just stopped. Every now and then I'd peek into a review or two of games that I have already played only to confirm that these reviews are still quite awful. The modern video game reviews from "organized" gaming sites include specific details on what you can find playing a game. If video games are like eggs, the reviews would proceed to crack them open, and then prepare those eggs into all the available variations of egg recipes. There is no room for discovery anymore if you allow yourself to read video game reviews these days. Do you write video game reviews? I used to and as you can gather from this site, I am very meticulous when I write them so that my reviews won't fall into the disgusting form I have described earlier. But you know, with the ability to view gameplay available all over the Internet, don't you think video game reviews should just... disappear?

Why would we want to read reviews in the first place? Well, I suppose we want some kind of a guarantee from a trustworthy person that the game that we are about to spend our hard earned money on is going to be worth that money spent. But we know that developers provide copies of video games to reviewers for the most part so doesn't that take a way a lot from the reviews? Now reviews from those who purchased the games themselves actually can be worse because sometimes people like to justify their purchases but even if the reviews ended up being negative, perhaps those writers are just taking things too personally? You see, opinions are like poop, everyone dumps one. Shouldn't people be worried if they think someone else's poop smells better than theirs?

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Games Played 03/14/2016

Session B: Heroes of the Storm (PC)

Session C: Final Fantasy XIII (PC)

Session D: Heroes of the Storm (PC)

Session E: Final Fantasy XIII (PC)

Monday, March 14, 2016

Games Played 03/13/2016

Session B: Heroes of the Storm (PC)

Session C: Final Fantasy XIII (PC)

Session D: Final Fantasy XIII (PC)

Session E: Final Fantasy XIII (PC)

Handheld Session: Final Fantasy III (Nintendo DS)

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Games Played 03/11/2016

Session B: Deathsmiles (PC)

Session C: Deathsmiles (PC)

Session D: WWE 2K16 (PC)

Session E: Heroes of the Storm (PC)

Session F: Heroes of the Storm (PC)

Handheld Session: Final Fantasy III (Nintendo DS)

Friday, March 11, 2016

Games Played 03/10/2016

Session B: Heroes of the Storm (PC)

Session C: Heroes of the Storm (PC)

Handheld Session:
Final Fantasy III (Nintendo DS)
Puzzle & Dragons + P&Z Super Mario Bros. Edition (3DS)

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Games Played 03/09/2016

Session B: Heroes of the Storm (PC)

Session C: Heroes of the Storm (PC)

Session D: Final Fantasy XIII (PC)

Session E: Audiosurf 2 (PC)

Session F: Audiosurf 2 (PC)

Handheld Session: Puzzle & Dragons + P&Z Super Mario Bros. Edition (3DS)