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LIVE from the Game Room

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Games Played 04/27/2015 - 05/04/2015

- 04/27/2015 -
Heroes of the Storm Closed Beta - PC
Mortal Kombat X - PC
WazHack - PC

- 04/28/2015 -
Grand Theft Auto V - PC
Heroes of the Storm Closed Beta - PC

- 04/29/2015 -
A Wizard's Lizard - PC
Dragon Age: Inquisition - PC
Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved - PC
Heroes of the Storm Closed Beta - PC

- 04/30/2015 -
Grand Theft Auto V - PC
Heroes of the Storm Closed Beta - PC
World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria - PC

- 05/01/2015 -
Audiosurf 2 Early Access - PC
Heroes of the Storm Closed Beta - PC
Tomodachi Life - 3DS

- 05/02/2015 -
Audiosurf 2 Early Access - PC
Heroes of the Storm Closed Beta - PC
Rift: Storm Legion - PC

- 05/03/2015 -
Dragon Age: Inquisition - PC
Heroes of the Storm Closed Beta - PC

Screenshot of the Week:

This game may be dumb-down beyond recognition but there's a lot of content for sure.
Dragon Age: Inquisition (Personal Computer)

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