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LIVE from the Game Room

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Games Played 10/15/2008

Bladestorm - X-Box 360
Ikaruga - X-Box 360
Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom - X-Box 360
SingStar - PlayStation 3
Star Fox Adventures - GameCube


The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age (2004)
Developer: Electronic Arts Inc.
Platform: X-Box
Purchase Date: 2004

Surrounded by dirty orcs.

On the front cover, EGM claimed that this game is "The most exciting RPG since Final Fantasy". Though this claim is hardly true, The Third Age is a rare title because it is a western-developed game that uses traditional Japanese role playing game structure. The battles are turn based and occur randomly. Instead of retelling the story from the epic trilogy, Electronic Arts introduces original characters in the game to keep everything fresh. What I love the most here is that you can change the look of the characters when they are equipped with new armor pieces, something that is severely lacking in traditional JPRGs. Japanese developers should have taken note of this feature because it is truly revolutionary for the genre.

LIBRARY STATUS: 4 out of 5

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