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LIVE from the Game Room

Monday, October 6, 2008

Games Played 10/05/2008

Battle Fantasia - X-Box 360
Galaga Legions - X-Box 360
Samurai Shodown II - X-Box 360
Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution - X-Box 360
The Punisher - X-Box
Time Hollow - NDS
Viking: Battle for Asgard - X-Box 360
Zuma - X-Box 360


Layer Section (1995)
Developer: Taito Corp.
Platform: SegaSaturn
Purchase Date: 1996

Some parts of the boss are only destructible via the homing laser.

In Layer Section, the player's ship is equipped with a homing laser used to destroy enemies that are placed in the foreground and background, out of the ship's direct shot. The laser and shots can be upgraded but there are no super-bomb to deploy when the going gets rough, making the game very challenging to master. There are a lot of very cool scrolling parallax and zoom effects used here that old-school gamers would surely enjoy.

LIBRARY STATUS: 4 out of 5

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