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LIVE from the Game Room

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Am I Paying the Price of Gaming?

I have been gaming for a long time and until now, I haven't suffered from any kind of physical side effect from the hobby. It's funny actually because at one point, my index finger and thumb on my right hand were hurting and the doctor told me to ease up on performing the swiping motion on my smartphone - apparently, this was a common symptom when touchscreens started to become popular - and that actually worked. Well now, the wrist on my left arm is hurting. I am not 100% sure of course if this is gaming related because I had an incident in the garage a day before the pain started.

With old age comes old age problems?

I had a McDonald's soda sitting on top of my trashcan while bringing grocery back into my house one day and I accidentally elbowed the soda, knocking it off the trashcan. I reacted by turning towards the falling plastic cup and attempted to reach out to it. Everything happened so fast, and I must have twisted my arm in some weird, unnatural way before I felt the pain on my wrist immediately after. It's been a couple of weeks since the event and my wrist still feels sore, so I found myself wearing a wrist support to assist me into full recovery. Still, I wonder if this chronic pain has been in the making for years now because, well, I game heavily. Whenever I have free time, I game - so my hands are, theoretically, never afforded much rest. My professional career mostly involved a lot of typing too so my hands have always been working overtime. It is definitely hard to play games with the wrist brace on, whether with the controller or the keyboard. Thankfully, I only have to wear this intermittently, so I am not fully handicapped whenever I am playing games but whenever I have it on, gaming can get a little frustrating, especially when navigational precision is required. My wrist is already feeling better from this treatment however, so I hope that I don't have to wear it anymore sometime soon!

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