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LIVE from the Game Room

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

A Gamer Christmas

The Christmas season is a time for celebration for many. It's that special time of the year, they may say, when people are meant to be merry, and joy is to be felt all around the world. Right. For me, it's always the harder part of the year because of the holiday's religious roots. Those who ended up finding plenty of joy in Christmas probably got introduced to the secular version of it. You know, the version involving a trip to the mall to tell Santa Claus what you wanted for Christmas or seeing all those presents under the Christmas tree. That kind of stuff. I didn't grow up surrounded by those "fun" things. Christmas was serious. It was the real thing. You know, baby Jesus and all. I remember getting some Christmas gifts, but it was less sleigh and more pray. As a young child who questioned religion even back then, it never did sit well with me. It's like, why can't we have any bit of fun without god being involved in it. Later on, I remember hoping that god was okay with me playing my games solo because I discovered it naturally. I also went through that period of time asking god to exorcise the gay out of me and turn me "normal". Religion is great, isn't it?

This Snoopy plushy is the first gift I received during my first secular Christmas.

I don't have any problem with people celebrating anything, as long as they don't impose their thoughts behind it upon me. I just think that life is too short to wait to celebrate anything if you want to do something extra special for yourself or others. Sure, acknowledging milestones can be fun I suppose but you know that, for example, some people really wait to do something big or revelatory until say New Year's Eve or Christmas. This doesn't mean that I don't like to partake in these events. I find it enjoyable and mildly distracting to buy Christmas gifts for the close few people in my life. It feels nice to make people happy. I went a little silly this year and bought Yoshi two new toys that I know she is going to go crazy for. As a gamer, I am of course very generous with myself with the gaming Holiday deals. It's a lot more satisfying to receive, but when you live a mostly solitary life, sometimes you just have to take a little extra care of yourself.

I'm surprised Yoshi hasn't sniffed these out all this time.

I remember that last year, I wanted to rent a cabin up in the snowy mountains somewhere and just hermit the winter away. I still feel that way, interestingly, but I don't know, since I don't feel fully settled in my new house, it doesn't seem right to do that. So I'll be home this year, celebrating a gamer kind of Christmas, testing out my recent inductions from the Holiday sales - or groin deep in Heroes of the Storm - and streaming all day on Twitch. It may not sound like a very nice Christmas to many people, I am certain of that, but it's my very own Christmas. May you have a merry one, and if this just happens to be my last post this year, see you in 2024. If the Catholic priests can now bless gay couples, let's hope that it's a sign (obviously not from god) that humanity can continue to evolve for the better. Just imagine, in 2000 more years, they will embrace gay marriage.

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