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Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Nathan Drake: The Chest Hair Delusion

I am still recovering from seeing Nathan Drake with chest hair, removing him from the status of being a sex symbol but you know what? While working on the thumbnail for my upcoming Uncharted: The Legacy of Thieves Collection video, I noticed that Nathan Drake is being shown as not having a fluffy chest on the cover art of the game itself as you can see for yourself below:

Aha! I knew it!

This leads me to believe that the decision to draw the ugly hair showing on the screenshot I have posted in the previous article was the result of a misguided Naughty Dog artist trying to make Nathan Drake more "current gen" when the game was developed for the PlayStation 4. With better technology, you get to add more details on your character models to make them more... "realistic" even though the Uncharted games have always employed a stylistic animated look to things. You know, it's also realistic for a guy to not have chest hair and apparently, there is an inconsistent vision in the way Nathan's chest supposed to look between the art teams. So, this ended up being a situation where Nathan's 3D model was given extra details when they are not needed, just because. It's like the whole situation with armpit hair in the modern NBA games. Since I am on Team Smooth, I find them to be unattractive, but I understand why they are there because well, if you watch the sport in real life, you can't avoid seeing plenty of hairy armpits. But do you really have to see them in a video game? Probably not. Do this for me... Imagine the Kratos character model in the latest God of War game with a hairy chest and thick armpit hair. Exactly.

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