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LIVE from the Game Room

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Alaska It Is, Then?

Not having access to most of my video gaming stuff that I have been accumulating over the years since my undergraduate studies a lifetime ago has been rough on me. There are the good days, and then there are the bad days. On a good day, I can forget about the aforementioned fact and actually have fun with the games that I am able to play, mostly on the Personal Computer, with the PlayStation 5 and the X-Box Series X being the only two consoles that are still hooked up to my entertainment center these days. On a bad day though, it's just downright depressing. You know that ever since I got the PS5 and XSX up and running in my Game Room, I haven't been able to use any of the old discs on them because those have all already been boxed up, ready for transport? It almost feels like a vicious and cruel sort of punishment on an intergalactic or even interdimensional scale. When the thought of not being able to see and touch my gaming stuff like I used to before suddenly flood over me, it is quite an overwhelming feeling. The fun of having my Game Room with everything in its place is the ability to be able to get to them at the time of my own choosing and to enjoy them at my own leisure. This has been the center of my gaming existence and being isolated from that for a long time sometimes feels like I don't even have these gaming items anymore. Out of sight doesn't necessarily mean out of mind though absence does make the heart grow fonder.

Trying to restore the gaming essence back into the room with strategic box placements.

I know that I haven't said much when it comes to my living arrangements these days but suffice to say that I am going through a rather personal and difficult predicament. Moving is still a high possibility but it seems likely that even if I had to do that, I won't be leaving town. And that's all right because I really like it here. I love the cold weather more than anything else in this world. I prefer to move but I also prefer a peaceful world free from religions and that's not going to happen without an alien being coming to visit the planet, which certainly will never happen because they have seen how horrid humanity can be, even to this day. It's this limbo though that is just excruciating to be stuck in. There may be a final resolution on the horizon, perhaps by Thanksgiving. Whether the end result is preferable or not, I just want it to be over with.

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