The recent console releases, please stop calling them "next gen", came with a test. Developers wanted to see if console loyalists were willing to pay $69.99 as a base price for a new game from a major studio. It is sad for me to report that the console community has failed us all. Yes, people are more than willing to pay for this ridiculous amount for a game since they still continue to ask for this price for more and more new releases. To those who also game on the Personal Computer, now they are testing us. I knew that this would happen. Square Enix has dared to put this price tag on Final Fantasy VII Remake Integrate and the upcoming Forspoken. I beg of you, do not pay this amount for these games.
Let me tell you something. When Epic Games announced last week that FFVIIRI was getting released on their store, I was ecstatic. To this day, I still believe that games should be priced at $39.99 max, but I told myself that this game would be one of the few exceptions I afforded myself and that I was going to support this release even at full price, which I foolishly assumed was going to be $59.99 - it's evident now why they didn't also announce the price for the game. They knew there would be an outcry before the game's launch if people saw that nasty price. This morning, with bated breath and my credit card at the ready, I launched the Epic Games Store and was disheartened by what I saw. Christmas didn't come early for me as I was hoping for. Instead of buying the game, here I am writing this to get the message out. This is important. Just don't do it. Wait for an official third-party key seller like Green Man Gaming to sell this at a discount but I repeat, do NOT pay full price for this. We, the PC community, are smarter than a typical console-only player - remember these guys still pay to get access to online multiplayer. We have done it before with Games for Windows LIVE - Microsoft originally required a fee for online multiplayer on the PC when using this service but then they cancelled the subscription fee when they didn't get enough people subscribing to that nonsense. Yes, I know. Showing that we care about games being platform agnostic is a good cause but we can do this! Lower that nonsensical price or we are not touching the game!
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