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LIVE from the Game Room

Friday, September 3, 2021

Board Games Are Taking Over

Board games are cool and all, I have quite a number of them now, but as someone who is primary living in the video gaming world, things are getting a little out of control. I started getting into physical tabletop games in May of this year, and just three months in, I think I have reached the saturation point for this additional hobby due to its high demand for storage space. Let me show you how they have infiltrated and taken over my Game Room:

Where there are video games, there will also be tabletop game boxes.

The large table taking up so much space in this room.

This one is just chilling on the carpet.

Overwhelmed by Overboss.

Yup, they are everywhere.

I am definitely going to be slowing down on my board game acquisitions. Perhaps, this sudden claustrophobia I am experiencing is triggered by the fact that I might be moving again in the foreseeable future and just the thought of trying to pack these guys up would send me into a frenzied panic. Still, I have plenty of them now to enjoy so even stopping myself from getting more for now is probably the best thing to do. There are a lot of great ideas and gameplay available exclusively in the physical tabletop world but I am convinced that these experiences could easily be translated into the digital realm and perhaps that transition would elevate the experience even more. We live in a digital age... It's 2021 damn it and physical tabletop games just feel like religion, nonsensical and behind the times. Hey, if Wingspan, Root, and Scythe can to do it, to name a few, why not the rest of these physical tabletop titles?

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