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LIVE from the Game Room

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Collector's Edition 2020: We Have Arrived!

Remember the $99.99 Collector's Edition of Tales of Xillia? That was cute right? Dangerous... but cute. Then, there was the $119.99 Collector's Edition of Dark Souls II. We knew then things were getting creepy. Then, came the $129.99 Collector's Edition of Tales of Xillia 2. Yeah, it was all over after that. I was too exhausted to cover other awful, overpriced packages that came after, including the most recent offering in the form of the horrific Fallout 76 Power Armor Edition. Can you believe that people actually paid $200 for that?

Well, brace yourself for the new level of horror in the darkest depth of ridiculousness. You would think that such an overpriced item would accompany a major AAA gaming release but no. This new low is brought to you by the upcoming - take a deep breath - SpongeBob video game! And it's not even a new game, it's another remake in the form of SpongeBob Squarepants: The Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated! The F.U.N. Edition a.k.a. the Collector's Edition will retail at $299.99. Yes, $299.99. It includes the game, 3 figurines, key chains, stickers, lithographs and uh... a pair of socks. I get it, SpongeBoB has a huge following and I can understand why. I have watched some of the shows and it's one of those brilliant creations that's able to be intriguing to both children and adults with its wacky, crudely nonsensical humor. But $299.99? Oh yes, they went there. They know that there are plenty of people who would purchase this, judging from the fact that many gamers still happily pay money to get online multiplayer access and still go goo goo gaga over new consoles.

The fun of spending $300.

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