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LIVE from the Game Room

Saturday, June 7, 2014

My World, Ignited

You know why Steam is the best place to game like ever? Well, a lot of reasons why that is and one of them is the release of Crimson Clover: World Ignition yesterday. Remember the little preview I wrote for the game 4+ years ago? Yes, I have been waiting for play the full game for a long time and at one point, I almost ordered the physical release of that from Japan. I didn't know that this game was Steam-bound but boy, oh boy, Steam really made my day! And it's not even a lazy release for it is fully Steampowered with things like trading cards, leaderboards, and even full controller support! I nabbed it immediately of course and I am so happy to see the growth of the shmup genre on Steam. What are you waiting for, Cave? Release your shmups on Steam! All of them!

You ignited my world alright! Thank you, Yotsubane and Degica!

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