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LIVE from the Game Room

Monday, June 9, 2014

Games Played 06/02/2014 - 06/08/2014

- 06/02/2014 -
Astebreed - PC

- 06/03/2014 -
Astebreed - PC
Bejeweled 3 - PC
League of Legends - PC
Yourself!Fitness - X-Box

- 06/04/2014 -
League of Legends - PC
PixelJunk Shooter Ultimate - PlayStation 4
RPG Maker XV Ace - PC
Trine 2: Complete Story - PlayStation 4/PC
Yourself!Fitness - X-Box

- 06/05/2014 -
Guardians of Middle-earth - PC
PixelJunk Shooter Ultimate - PlayStation 4
RPG Maker XV Ace - PC
Yourself!Fitness - X-Box

- 06/06/2014 -
Magic 2014: Duels of the Planeswalkers - PC
Yourself!Fitness - X-Box

- 06/07/2014 -
Magic 2014: Duels of the Planeswalkers - PC
Tomodachi Life - 3DS

- 06/08/2014 -
Crimzon Clover: World Ignition - PC
League of Legends - PC
Tomodachi Life - 3DS
Yourself!Fitness - X-Box

Screenshot of the Week:

This is a lot more fun than all the Cave games I have played!
Crimzon Clover: World Ignition (2014)

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