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LIVE from the Game Room

Monday, June 30, 2014

Games Played 06/23/2014 - 06/29/2014

- 06/23/2014 -
Saints Row 2 - PC

- 06/24/2014 -
Fable III - PC
League of Legends - PC
Tomodachi Life - 3DS
Yourself!Fitness - X-Box

- 06/25/2014 -
Assassin's Creed III - PC
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag - PC
Kingdom Rush - PC
League of Legends - PC
Tomodachi Life - 3DS
Yourself!Fitness - X-Box

- 06/26/2014 -
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag - PC
League of Legends - PC
Yourself!Fitness - X-Box

- 06/27/2014 -
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag - PC
Yourself!Fitness - X-Box

- 06/28/2014 -
League of Legends - PC
Tome: Immortal Arena - PC

- 06/29/2014 -
Battlepillars Gold Edition - PC
Halo: Spartan Assault - PC
Super Puzzle Platformer Deluxe - PC
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist - PC
Tome: Immortal Arena - PC
Yourself!Fitness - X-Box

Screenshot of the Week:

That PhysX smoke looks pretty darn incredible.
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (Personal Computer)

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Random Game Room Moment

Hard to say no to those dollar games on my wishlist...

Friday, June 27, 2014

Random Game Room Moment

The non-gaming spouse's new mouse.
Because my baby deserves the very best!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Games Played 06/16/2014 - 06/22/2014

- 06/16/2014 -
Chicken Invaders 4 - PC
Ragnarok Odyssey Ace - Vita
The Sims 3 - PC
Tomodachi Life - 3DS
Yourself!Fitness - X-Box

- 06/17/2014 -
League of Legends - PC
Tomodachi Life - 3DS
Yourself!Fitness - X-Box

- 06/18/2014 -
League of Legends - PC
Tomodachi Life - 3DS
Yourself!Fitness - X-Box

- 06/19/2014 -
League of Legends - PC
Tomodachi Life - 3DS
Yourself!Fitness - X-Box

- 06/20/2014 -
Fable III - PC
League of Legends - PC
Shadowrun Returns - PC
Tomodachi Life - 3DS
Yourself!Fitness - X-Box

- 06/21/2014 -
Fable III - PC
League of Legends - PC
Shadowrun Returns - PC
Tomodachi Life - 3DS

- 06/22/2014 -
Epic Battle Fantasy 4 - PC
Fable III - PC
Yourself!Fitness - X-Box

Screenshot of the Week:

Church's Chicken is still the best.
Chicken Invaders 4 (Personal Computer)

Thursday, June 19, 2014

GOG Galaxy: Full of Contradictions

Ah, gog.com. A great place to find decrepit, rare old games that are still not available on Steam. I have bought a number of games from them but if I have the choice, I find getting games on Steam is a lot more satisfying. gog.com's main selling point for a lot of people is their "DRM-free" cry. Once you buy a game, you can then supposedly own it forever without any limits when the fact remains that if you don't have Internet connection, you can't re-download the games if you ever lose them. It's not like they are going to send you a physical copy of the game if you contact them when you don't have Internet access anymore, so it's all an illusion. It looks like gog.com is getting sick and tired of being just a website that sells games and now, they want to release a client you can install on your computer to manage your games. You can check out their vision for this new "Galaxy" client by clicking here where they continue to preach about real ownership and how the client is going to be totally optional. This move is not really smart. Because you know, since the client itself will provide benefits like online connectivity with friends and achievements, it would be silly not to use it. Notice how they teased their audience in that Galaxy video they posted that you can share the achievements you have unlocked, but oops yeah it's optional when they know that achievement whores would be dying to brag about them so they have to install the client! So in a sense, gog.com wants to be more like Steam or Origin but is of course being very wishy-washy about it and as if their motive was not transparent enough, they had to try to justify it to their core paranoid no-DRM only customers. If they really want to be the premier DRM-free online digital distributor of games, they should just stick to the website. Why would they cause more complications by adding yet another client for people to download? They can keep saying that it's "optional" but when there are benefits to using the thing, is it really truly optional? What a strange, silly move by gog.com.

Achievements over the complete freedom from another gaming client?

Monday, June 16, 2014

May 2014 Gaming Analysis

The results shown below are of course based on the combined data from the Daily Game Log which should provide a clear indication of a game's usage frequency. Bear in mind that even if a game is played twice or more during a particular day, it would still register as 1 in the Day Count column below. In a sense, "merits" are given based on how often a particular game can make me play it again throughout the entire period of the  month on a daily basis. A game that makes a gamer play it over and over again or at least spend a lot of time with it... Isn't that what we mostly want from a great game? I don't think it's really fair to count all the way down to the number of hours played since some games only require a short amount of time to properly serve their purposes.


Total Games Played: 35

This Month's Inductees:

Total Inductions: 34

Games Played 06/09/2014 - 06/15/2014

- 06/09/2014 -
Tomodachi Life - 3DS

- 06/10/2014 -
League of Legends - PC
Magic 2014: Duels of the Planeswalkers - PC
Mario Kart 8 - Wii U
Ragnarok Odyssey Ace - Vita
State of Decay - PC
Yourself!Fitness - X-Box

- 06/11/2014 -
League of Legends - PC
The Sims 3- PC
Yourself!Fitness - X-Box

- 06/12/2014 -
League of Legends - PC
Magic 2014: Duels of the Planeswalkers - PC
The Sims 3 - PC
Yourself!Fitness - X-Box

- 06/13/2014 -
League of Legends - PC
The Sims 3 - PC
Tomodachi Life - 3DS
Yourself!Fitness - X-Box

- 06/14/2014 -
League of Legends - PC
Mario Kart 7 - 3DS
Tomodachi Life - 3DS
The Sims 3 - PC

- 06/15/2014 -
Astebreed - PC
Infinity Wars: Animated Trading Card Game - PC
League of Legends - PC
Tomodachi Life - 3DS
Yourself!Fitness - X-Box

Screenshot of the Week:

Alaina Cantu... From PC-wrecker to breadwinner!
The Sims 3 (Personal Computer)

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Review: State of Decay - Lifeline

State of Decay: Lifeline (2014)
Developer: Undead Labs
Platforms: Personal Computer (Reviewed), X-Box 360
Induction Date: 05/30/2014

State of Decay is an interesting but somewhat flawed zombie survival game that has been made better with the arrival of its first expansion, Breakdown, that provided the game with endless replayability by abandoning the story-focused limitation of the vanilla release and turning it into one mean game where raw survival becomes the story of the game. With this Lifeline expansion, the game returns to its roots by presenting a new perspective on its vision of the zombie apocalypse: you are now in control of a small group of soldiers who are tasked to locate important survivors in Danforth, a devastated metropolis still located in the Trumbull County area. The game's best asset has never been its storytelling and that problem still remains in this latest expansion.

This is going to happen. A lot.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Games Played 06/02/2014 - 06/08/2014

- 06/02/2014 -
Astebreed - PC

- 06/03/2014 -
Astebreed - PC
Bejeweled 3 - PC
League of Legends - PC
Yourself!Fitness - X-Box

- 06/04/2014 -
League of Legends - PC
PixelJunk Shooter Ultimate - PlayStation 4
RPG Maker XV Ace - PC
Trine 2: Complete Story - PlayStation 4/PC
Yourself!Fitness - X-Box

- 06/05/2014 -
Guardians of Middle-earth - PC
PixelJunk Shooter Ultimate - PlayStation 4
RPG Maker XV Ace - PC
Yourself!Fitness - X-Box

- 06/06/2014 -
Magic 2014: Duels of the Planeswalkers - PC
Yourself!Fitness - X-Box

- 06/07/2014 -
Magic 2014: Duels of the Planeswalkers - PC
Tomodachi Life - 3DS

- 06/08/2014 -
Crimzon Clover: World Ignition - PC
League of Legends - PC
Tomodachi Life - 3DS
Yourself!Fitness - X-Box

Screenshot of the Week:

This is a lot more fun than all the Cave games I have played!
Crimzon Clover: World Ignition (2014)

Saturday, June 7, 2014

My World, Ignited

You know why Steam is the best place to game like ever? Well, a lot of reasons why that is and one of them is the release of Crimson Clover: World Ignition yesterday. Remember the little preview I wrote for the game 4+ years ago? Yes, I have been waiting for play the full game for a long time and at one point, I almost ordered the physical release of that from Japan. I didn't know that this game was Steam-bound but boy, oh boy, Steam really made my day! And it's not even a lazy release for it is fully Steampowered with things like trading cards, leaderboards, and even full controller support! I nabbed it immediately of course and I am so happy to see the growth of the shmup genre on Steam. What are you waiting for, Cave? Release your shmups on Steam! All of them!

You ignited my world alright! Thank you, Yotsubane and Degica!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Summoner's Rift Visual Update?!

I was trying to create a role playing game using RPG Maker XV Ace on the Personal Computer earlier this evening when a friend of mine asked me for my opinion about the new map graphics for League of Legends, I was like, "New what?" You see, this is what happens when I don't log in to the LoL client for almost one full day. Apparently, Riot Games has been working on a masterfully beautiful update to the game's Summoner's Rift map. As you can see from the video below, it looks incredible. It almost looks better than Dota 2. The map no longer feels like you are fighting in a location made for miniature, dwarven people and everything just looks bigger and appropriately scaled to the game's cast of characters. Even the jungle monsters get a visual bump and they look very menacing. The map will be rolled out to public beta server shortly but I rather just wait for the live version to experience the visual candy. I sure hope that it will be soon because with these kind of graphics, it will be hard to play anything else!

Screw the upcoming E3 announcements! This is the most exciting gaming news of 2014.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Games Played 05/26/2014 - 06/01/2014

- 05/26/2014 -
Bejeweled 3 - PC
DuckTales Remastered - PC
Sleeping Dogs - PC

- 05/27/2014 -
Audiosurf 2 - PC
Bejeweled 3- PC
Yourself!Fitness - X-Box

- 05/28/2014 -
Aquapazza: Aquaplus Dream Match - PlayStation 3
Bejeweled 3 - PC
PixelJunk Monsters Ultimate - PC
Yourself!Fitness - X-Box

- 05/29/2014 -
League of Legends - PC
Yourself!Fitness - X-Box

- 05/30/2014 -
Mario Kart 8 - Wii U
Yourself!Fitness - X-Box

- 05/31/2014 -
League of Legends - PC
Mario Kart 8 - Wii U

- 06/01/2014 -
League of Legends - PC
Mario Kart 8 - Wii U
State of Decay - PC
Yourself!Fitness - X-Box

Screenshot of the Week:

I am such a hopeless romantic...
Sleeping Dogs (Personal Computer)