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LIVE from the Game Room

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Summoner's Rift Visual Update?!

I was trying to create a role playing game using RPG Maker XV Ace on the Personal Computer earlier this evening when a friend of mine asked me for my opinion about the new map graphics for League of Legends, I was like, "New what?" You see, this is what happens when I don't log in to the LoL client for almost one full day. Apparently, Riot Games has been working on a masterfully beautiful update to the game's Summoner's Rift map. As you can see from the video below, it looks incredible. It almost looks better than Dota 2. The map no longer feels like you are fighting in a location made for miniature, dwarven people and everything just looks bigger and appropriately scaled to the game's cast of characters. Even the jungle monsters get a visual bump and they look very menacing. The map will be rolled out to public beta server shortly but I rather just wait for the live version to experience the visual candy. I sure hope that it will be soon because with these kind of graphics, it will be hard to play anything else!

Screw the upcoming E3 announcements! This is the most exciting gaming news of 2014.

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