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LIVE from the Game Room

Friday, September 23, 2022

Loving Genshin, Loving Epic

You know that one of the reasons why I can justify having a PlayStation 5 in my Game Room is so that I can actually play Genshin Impact on the console... Well, you can now scape that off the list. I am not a fan of kernel level anti-cheat and Genshin has that. But I did more research and did some tests and I can say now that I am comfortable with having it installed on my Personal Computer... via the Epic Game Store that is. So why have I decided on this? The lag. The horrible, horrible lag. Genshin on the PlayStation 4 was a baffling experience because of the intentional 30fps performance - there is no reason why the PS4 cannot run the game at 60fps. On the PS5, I was then annoyed by the consistently horrible 200+ ping that causes the game to lag pretty darn often. Now on the PC, I get 80+ ping and I have never experienced a single instance of lag. So yeah! PS5, you can keep your Smite (no HiPatchService.exe for me), but Genshin belongs to the PC. Since I have been playing a lot of Genshin, the player experience surveys from Epic for this game has been popping up on me constantly too.

Player input without all the nonsense.

Thursday, September 15, 2022

The X-Box Flipperoo & A Surprise Judgment

After I got my X-Box Series X unit last month, my curiosity had resulted into me actually getting a couple of more physical games for the system - well, more like for the X-Box One but I don't have that console because I skipped that cycle - just to confirm if Microsoft had indeed designed the game disc holders to stay on the left side of the game cases. Well, here's the result:

Lefties rejoice! Definitely an unexpected, unique twist to disc storage.