○ Video Games ○ Humanity ○ Individuality ○ True Freedom ○ Be Free ○
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LIVE from the Game Room

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Fantasy Curious

I have been a fan of the Final Fantasy series since the release of VII on the original PlayStation in 1997. I have fond memories of playing that game during my undergraduate years and since I had never played any Japanese role playing games before it, the game felt fresh both in its narrative and gameplay. I was able to relate to the whole Tifa-Cloud one-sided love situation because well, it was not easy being gay during those years for me. After VII, I pretty much would induct anything FF into my Game Library and when Square Enix started transitioning these games to the Personal Computer, specifically Steam, I do my best to support them. With the recent new release of the "Pixel Remaster" series of the early FF games, I took a screenshot of my FF collection on Steam to admire it all and to remind me that the PC is the ultimate place for all gamers.

We all need a little dose of fantasy every now and then.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Feeling Lost & Alone

I have been thinking about life and death a lot recently. It's all pretty depressing, but I found the whole process to be necessary and sobering. What brought this about? Well, with my gaming activities a bit more under control these days, thanks to my focused YouTube streaming, I have also managed to get back into more creative endeavors - specifically, writing my novel, Point to Pathos, that I used to showcase here on this site. I am currently working on 3 novels but PtP is my pet project. Unfortunately, PtP takes a lot from me whenever I write it because it's quite personal to me and also, it's extremely bleak. This reminded me of a conversation I had with a colleague of mine many moons ago. I was in the process of writing a love story which was slated to end with a horrible tragedy. It affected me so much that it seeped into my professional life. My colleague urged me to change the ending for the sake of my own mental health. But I didn't. Sometimes, you have to part with a piece of yourself for your art. I surely did. It changed me. Not for the better. Not for the worse. It just did.

140+ hours in this game to date! I love the way I approach gaming these days!