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Thursday, September 17, 2020

RTX 3080 Is Here: Time to Upgrade

Today is the official launch date for Nvidia's latest graphics card, the RTX 3080. Of course, scoring one of these just by itself seems to be an impossible thing right now thanks to those annoying scalpers. I have been eyeing the card's rumors and developments for a while after purposely skipping all the hype surrounding Nvidia's first generation of RTX cards. When it comes to upgrading your personal computer components, it is always best to skip a couple of upgrades anyway because the boost in performance, for the most part, is never truly worth it. I am however, ready to jump in this time around.

They never have enough available. Of course the scalpers make the situation worse.

My current 4 year old PC is equipped with an i7-6770K CPU and the GTX 1080. It's still a competent gaming PC, able to ace everything at max up to 1440p. It is able to get incredible performance at 4K if the games are not too demanding. The only title I can think of that my system struggles with, outside of those games that are just horribly optimized, is Red Dead Redemption 2. That game is an absolute monster, certainly the most beautiful game to date, though I am able to push my current setup to give me a stable 1440p 30fps performance with only small graphical sacrifices. Thankfully for me, I didn't plan on just replacing the GPU alone for my next upgrade so I am able to skip the availability frustration of those looking to just changing their graphics card and instead, I have decided to just get myself a new pre-built. It just so happens that CyberPowerPC, the guys who were responsible for my current system, is accepting orders for RTX 3080 powered PCs. I have opted for their "Creator PC Ultimate" build, complete with the dazzling Syber Cube case, an i9-10900K CPU, and the RTX 3080. The new PC will be arriving sometime in October. I am really looking forward to playing Control again without settling with the current setup performance of 720p @ 30fps when I turn all the ray tracing bells and whistles on!

It looks so avant-garde. Can't say no to that.

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