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LIVE from the Game Room

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Futon Begone! Game Room Re-Realized

Remember the futon situation that I wrote about last year? Well, it took a while but I finally managed to get that monstrous thing out of the Game Room. This means that I can finally maximize the space potential of this room and if nothing else, at least it looks a lot cooler now because it doesn't double as a false bedroom anymore. The funny thing is, now that the futon is gone, I really miss it. I enjoyed lying down on it as I watched my favorite Twitch streamers or other stuff on my big screen display. But this is a good change. If I really need to lie down, I can just go to the bedroom or just hop over to the guest room next door, which is now the resting place for the futon. Yoshi loves chilling on the futon though, I know that's not going to be replaceable but I have placed a blanket in the back of the room to encourage her to hang out with me while I'm gaming.

The room feels more spacious now.

Yoshi is not impressed with this change however.

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