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LIVE from the Game Room

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Oblivion Adventure & Rationale

Lately, the only thing I have been too focused on playing is the dastardly World of Warcraft. Without going into too much detail, I'll save that to a later discussion, WoW takes away too much of a gamer's time. Two days ago, a good WoW friend of mine suddenly suggested that we play the online Dark Messiah of Might and Magic to take our minds off grinding for the next reward for a while and I said yes. I had to reinstall the game to my PC since I have not played it for such a long time. I have never played the online portion of that game and it was amusing but horrendous. There were probably only 30+ people playing split between two servers and the load time between switching battlegrounds and servers were atrocious. I then decided to play the single player campaign for old time's sake and it was then that I got inspired to play The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion again.

A small start to the big adventure.

Did I ever finish the main quest during my first run-through of Oblivion? No. I stopped playing it when my character hit level 20 - that's 89 hours, 45 minutes, 45 seconds of gameplay folks! - and got occupied playing some other game. I loaded my "Mystic Arrow" character and tried to get into the game again but I just couldn't.

Yes, she is a Wood Elf Aspectist. Ask away!

Do any of you experience this same dilemma? I found that if I stop playing a game for a long time after getting through it mid-way, I would feel so disconnected to the game when I continued at a later time. There's this feeling that I missed something or that I no longer remember some important significance that is vital to truly enjoy the whole experience that the game has to offer. This is especially true with role playing games. Like always, this has caused me to restart my game from scratch to satisfy my cravings for a fully immersive gameplay.

The game's beauty is keeping me glued to the keyboard and mouse!

Though I know that this situation is a healthy one in terms of my video gaming integrity, it doesn't help with my shortage of video gaming time. So I have committed to do the following and you will see this reflected in my blog postings: When the mood arise, as what happened here with Oblivion, I would start playing the game that fit the occasion. I can only play that selected game until I have completed it before moving on to the next one. This doesn't include arcade or short games since they are of the short bursts gameplay nature and can easily jump in between the longer and more dedicated play sessions. Also, I can choose to commit myself to one game per gaming machine...

The light at the end of the tunnel... In the game and in my new gaming perspective!

...Now what should I do with WoW... MMOs are such an anomaly.

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