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LIVE from the Game Room

Thursday, November 28, 2024

12,000 Milestone & Life After Yoshi

Oh yes, I did it or, oh no, I didn't? My Game Library collection has reached its 12,000th entry (12,013 at the time of posting to be precise). I thought I have slowed down a bit with inducting new games in, but it's easy for the library to continue to expand thanks to the plethora of free games being offered left and right these days on the Personal Computer platform between Amazon Prime gaming and Epic Games, and Steam has been good with those sales events despite it getting more and more difficult to find deals now that I have a lot of games on that particular platform. So, business as usual on the gaming front.

Some new arrivals from the current Steam Autumn Sale.

It's been more than a month since Yoshi's passing, and I am taking it in stride. My guy and I had a long discussion about adopting another dog and I decided to support his decision to proceed. We both realized that we still have a lot of love to give another animal, to provide it with a good home, and a good life. I know I may sound a bit distant about this prospect but understand that I still have deep pain in my heart, and I still see Yoshi in every crevice of the house every day since her passing. Every now and then in my backyard, I would stumble upon Yoshi's old stools that I apparently had missed picking up, and that would get me every single time.

There is a new princess in town.

But yes, we welcome Suki into our home recently, another chihuahua-mix who actually looks like Yoshi, especially at certain angles, but who is much smaller. Yoshi was a chihuahua-terrier mix, and Suki is, uh chihuahua-greyhound? She got some long, spindly legs. She is an elderly dog, and this is something that we agreed upon, to bring an abandoned, rescue dog to our love nest and provide it with a nice retirement home - some small comfort and happiness before the eventual end. I guess it seemed beautiful when we talked about it, but I supposed I wanted to shield myself from the heartbreak I felt when I lost Yoshi. I consider Suki to be my guy's dog, but it's more complicated than that now that she is a part of the family. I do love her of course, and although she can be very passive in the house, as she sleeps most of the time, she is a much needier companion. She is also a mean little girl when it comes to strangers. She doesn't like anyone she doesn't know and will act absolutely insane in those situations. I am glad she is here, and it does feel more complete having her around. We received Yoshi's ashes back before Suki got here, and I have placed her urn by the window, with her favorite toys surrounding her. We light up a trio of LED candles which surround her urn every night - I miss her so much. Such is life, I suppose. We continue living, doing the best we can, searching for happiness and holding on to whatever bit of goodness until we are gone.

It hasn't been the same with you here Yoshi.

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