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LIVE from the Game Room

Monday, July 24, 2023

Steam Has Turned Into a Church

There are a lot of meme and copypasta user reviews on Steam. As I have mentioned previously, the Steam review section is probably the worst part of the service, compared to the dignity and professionalism accomplished on Epic Games. A majority of these reviews, though stupid, are mostly there to garner immediate attention from others in an attempt to achieve some kind of 5-second Internet fame or accumulate Steam Points from the gullible. Sometimes, though, you find something more sinister. Like the one below:

Now imagine someone quoting from other "holy books" and spamming them as game reviews.

I go through the Steam Discovery Queue a lot, and apparently, so is this individual who would spam that same religious quote on every single free to play game I have found so far on Steam. Going through the 5,000+ of reviews on this account, you can see this individual's descent into madness. The account started off by posting regular, short review of games before transitioning into ASCII art review posts - a lot of Shrek and Pepe - until early 2022 when apparently, the individual suddenly found Jesus. Wanting to be an active, contributing member of the Steam community, I have been reporting any of these I encounter while going through my queue as "non-reviews". I keep track of the instances I have reported and after a long period of time, I am disappointed to report to you that Valve just doesn't care. Maybe the head of the review oversight team is very religious and thought that this belongs on Steam or maybe Gabe himself is a Jesus freak? I guess we will never know. One thing is for sure though, it's obvious at this point that Steam just doesn't care at all about the user review section of the store, at least when it comes to spreading the gospel, because even they have removed some of the other problematic review posts I have reported in the past, they just wouldn't touch these. To be fair, I have seen a bunch of banned review posts on this account, but since I couldn't see the banned content, it's hard to say if those probably went a little too extreme for Valve compared to the quote that I have been reporting to them. Wouldn't it be easier for Steam to just revoke review access for this individual or add some kind of strike system for posting problematic reviews? I am just disheartened that all the reporting I have done ended up falling on deaf ears.

Update Note 07/28/2023 - I have not seen a new review from this person anymore during my recent Discovery Queue binge ever since I posted this. I even went back to previous free-to-play titles the best I can, and I couldn't even find those that were already published before. There is a possibility that I got through to Valve with my last report. I wish I still have this person's Steam profile page though - in my frustration, I deleted the link that I saved because I was done with the whole thing, and I was pretty certain that I would be able to continually see more of this nonsense. If the religious indoctrination non-reviews return, I will post an update here.

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