○ Video Games ○ Humanity ○ Individuality ○ True Freedom ○ Be Free ○
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LIVE from the Game Room

Monday, January 31, 2022

An Exercise in Gaming: A New Perspective

I've been looking at this all wrong. Screw Yourself!Fitness! Forget Ring Fit Adventure! The last time I have used an exercise software presented as video games was, I don't know, mid 2021? My weight during this never-ending pandemic has been yoyoing up and down with a progressively ballooning belly and I can't seem to stay committed to any exercise routines from specific exercise games. I remember writing that the trick is to find a program that can make you think that you are playing a game when you are actually working your body and Ring Fit Adventure on the Nintendo Switch is a good representation of that ideal. I was certainly on the right track, but I accidentally fell down into the bush on the side and couldn't get myself up. You see, if one is looking to find video games that could trick you into exercising, well, those games should not be games that present themselves as exercise programs to begin with!

One of my Christmas 2021 gifts. Still haven't played it yet.

Evaluating Connections in an Online World

I recently had a falling out with an online gaming acquaintance. I know. I hate using the word "friend" because, well, after a while, it's hard to associate that word to anyone when it becomes synonymous to a lot of negative emotions. So yes, I always think of my gaming contacts as "acquaintances". Often times, some people seemed to showcase such promising attributes only to suddenly show me who they really are. It's no secret that I am anti-social. I have always been this way. I never see it as a problem because I am content having myself as my only companion. But of course, things just can't stay the same. As time goes on, life gets more and more complicated. From falling in love to getting to know someone through social gaming, I have experienced the beauty of human connections, though these occurrences are mostly short-lived. It's easy to let go when acquaintanceships go awry but they still disturb me just the same.

Can't find appropriate pictures for this post so... Let's just feature pics of Yoshi!

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

VR HMD Upgraded: VIVE Pro 2

I was an early doubter turned early adopter of virtual reality gaming. I really enjoyed the HTC Vive and it has been my sole VR head mounted display for the past 5+ years. When Vive Pro and the Valve Index that came after it showed up later on, they were not compelling enough of an upgrade for me at the time because I feel that I needed to spend more time in VR to justify an upgrade. Last year, I decided to get the Index Controller while still sticking with the original Vive. Now that I am ready, I regretted that decision because to buy an Index HMD these days require you to buy it bundled with accessories via Steam.

My library of VR games has grown substantially over the years.