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LIVE from the Game Room

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Best Physical Copy on Nintendo Switch

After Nintendo betrayed me on the Wii U - back then, I bought a 2TB external hard drive for the system to support their digital distribution of games, only for the system to be abandoned quickly with the release of the Nintendo Switch - I don't trust their online strategies anymore. Because of this, despite the fact that space is a rare and precious commodity these days in my Game Room, I always make sure I get the physical copies of Switch games I want whenever it's available. Recently, I ordered a copy of Shadowverse: Champions Battle by Cygames and I was shocked by what I saw inside of the case.

On top of the back-cover instructions, this game comes with an actual game manual!

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

PC Games: Zombie Edition

My physical personal computer games, you know, those that usually came packaged in gigantic boxes, have not been properly stored in my Game Room for the past two places that I have lived in. All this time, they have been thoroughly displaced: at one time, they hid in an office closet amongst other non-gaming supplies for 2 years and at another, they were all boxed up for 3 long years. I knew that my latest Game Room Ver. 5.0 is smaller than the previous, but I surprised myself that I am actually capable of properly storing these PC games in here. It took some creativity in space management, and of course, some of the larger gaming items still cannot make it in here - they will eventually find a permanent place somewhere in the walk-in closet of my bedroom, but I am so happy that these forgotten games can finally exist again in my daily gaming life in prominent fashion.

All of my physical PC games (well, almost all) in one place and out in the open.

Monday, October 9, 2023

The Deck Is Not a Reason to Be a Dick

The Steam Deck is great. Let's get that out of the way. Personally, it's a cool portable Personal Computer that I can carry with me when I am going to be away from my home for a while. The fact that it is basically a small form PC outside of its gaming capabilities makes it such a useful tool for everyone. What the Deck shouldn't be, however, is a litmus test for every single game being released on Steam. The problem is, like all good things in life, there are plenty of people out there apparently who is now primarily gaming on the Steam Deck and thus, bringing some delusions and malcontent into the celebration. The Deck is not supposed to be the ultimate gaming rig. It can act as a gateway, especially for console owners or Switch fanatics, to dabble into PC gaming. It's certainly a point of envy for Sony who recently announced their PlayStation Portal streaming tablet - yucks - when you can already do that with Steam Remote Play on any old tablet and controller. Steam even has a certification process on the playability of a game on the Deck with a classification system. The fact that the device is indeed a PC, it still doesn't stop people from trying and experimenting on games that are not officially supported on the Deck, which is fine. It becomes a problem when the said individuals then take their frustrations onto the Steam store, writing horrible reviews for games just because they are not playable on the Deck, even though these games are not verified to be played on the system to begin with.

An example of a misguided review on a game that,
on this date of publication, is not Steam Deck verified.