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LIVE from the Game Room

Sunday, December 22, 2019

GMG Santa Cracks Me Up

When it comes to official third party Steam key online retailers out there, Green Man Gaming is a frequent choice for me. They tend to offer deeper discounts on anything that Steam has to offer even during special sales events. All of these companies always have some kooky themes going on and this holiday season, GMG recruits the help of a really funky Santa as the event's mascot.

These poses. The curious hair color change will be a mystery for the ages.

Unconventional Santas are cool and this one is really something else. Judging from the far left picture alone, you know that this Santa had too much eggnog. I was laughing so hard as I was browsing all the cool deals happening on the website. Weird is good and this time, it's really strange but it works.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Spirit of Christmas: An Epic Fail

I don't have a problem that Epic Games has its own digital storefront since its inception. I also don't have a problem with them offering a lot of cash to score exclusives for their platform - the only party you can blame there if your favorite games are not coming to your preferred game client would the developers and/or the publishers. Epic didn't do anything wrong there. Epic is just trying to be competitive. You can however blame Epic for missing the first free game on offer for their 12 Days of Free Games promotion that took off yesterday 12/19/2019 alongside their own Holiday Sale 2019 that is running concurrently with Steam's Winter Sale 2019.

The announcement for this event just arrived on my email this afternoon and imagine my horror when I realized that it is a day late and the first game they had on offer was Into the Breach - a strategy game that is on my Steam wishlist! I am quite upset about this. It would have saved me some cash by claiming the Epic Store version of the game. And no Epic. I may support what you are doing with the digital game storefront industry but that doesn't mean that I will keep your game client running on my PC 24/7 like I do with Steam just so that I won't miss any future promotions. I only use you when I need you. I know that Epic usually offers a free game on Thursday every week but I didn't know that this time, I needed to claim it immediately. I was too busy browsing discounted games on Steam yesterday. Someone at marketing is sleeping on the job...

This email should have arrived, I don't know... Last week?

Update Note: 03/24/2020 - It looks like Epic did learn their lesson from this mishap. They sent out an email today to announce their upcoming spring sale. Good job!